How To Turn on Javascript (in Google Chrome)
JavaScript is a programming language that is often used by Web browsers to provide enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. JavaScript is an important part of FilesDIRECT and if, for whatever reason, JavaScript has been turned off in your browser, then FilesDIRECT will not work properly.
Here’s what you do:
- Open Google Chrome
- Click on the “Tools” icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (it looks like a wrench)
- Select “Options”, then click “Under the Hood”
- Click on “Content Settings” to open the “Content Settings” window
- Click “JavaScript” in the “Features” section of the window. The “JavaScript Settings” window will open
- Select “Allow all sites to run JavaScript”
- Click “Close” to save changes and close the window
JavaScript is now turned on in Google Chrome!
Tags: Chrome, how to, javascript