Replace Unreliable IT Resources With FilesDIRECT

You know how it can be with enterprise IT departments sometimes. Maybe it’s a case of the grass always being greener on the other side, but trying to get large-file work done seems tougher than it should be no matter where you work.

Independent or small-company media producers look with envy at the big companies with their large IT staffs who make technical problems go away. Yet the reality inside these large firms can be very different: a corporate media department is often saddled with legacy systems that are set up for smaller files and more generalized business use. Having IT keep a shared drive available for internal use can be a challenge - and just try getting one made available to the internet through the corporate firewall in less than a few weeks time - if you can even break through the political firewall!

Meanwhile, media staff at big corporate outfits look with envy at their small-company or independent counterparts and imagine they can quickly put up any shared drive service they want as fast as they need it. But the reality there is also troublesome. Many small operations use web hosting for FTP services, and we all know how much of a hassle FTP is.

The best files transfer solution for large and small business is FilesDIRECT. Big-company media shops can punch through the corporate firewall using a plain old web service and email - two things their IT department can’t complain about. And small service providers can get the job done with nothing more than web and email - no FTP hassles. Truly, FilesDIRECT is the best of both worlds!

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