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FTP Replacement - now is the time!

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So, in my drifting around the internet, I came across this fantastic article by Chris Josephes at O'Reilly Sysadmin.

In it, Mr. Josephes makes an excellent case for replacing this frankly outdated protocol: he discusses the fact that it's over 25 years old (!), designed to fix old problems in IP protocol, etc.

(Photo: Cote)

He also offers a few suggestions on potential replacements. Surprisingly, though, he doesn't mention online file transfer services as an alternative.

Sites like FilesDIRECT offer everything FTP doesn't: secure file transfer, ease of use, and not having to troubleshoot some obscure issue every other day.

With a 30-day free trial, 128-bit SSL encryption and one click file transfer, why not try it today?


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