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It's no joke, a company's large digital files are these days as likely to contain millions or even billions of dollars worth of financial data, with everything from earnings reports to legal documents. As the internet has become second nature to countless corporate and government missions, the rise in the casual use of file transfer has in some ways been a tradeoff. Often, we are trading away security for ease of use.

In the financial realm, it used to be that reconciling the books every week for, say, a department at an insurance giant or a federal agency meant running off tapes from mainframe machines and flying them by air courier to data processing facilities. Literally trillions of dollars have moved that way over the years, and the expense and hassle involved has been great.

The urge to cut costs and the increasing comfort level with internet file transfers has combined to change the assumptions about that kind of data handling. The internet is everywhere, and those big collections of checks or payments move much more quickly and cheaply to their destinations on the net than by courier.

But lurking in the casual nature of file transfer is the specter of lost security. Sending sensitive files by any free email program, such as Yahoo or Google, sending physical media unattended, or FTP all add up to huge security risks. The feds know this, and passed the Secure Federal File Sharing Act, but the effect hasn't been as great as was hoped.

FilesDIRECT is not FTP. Our transfers are encrypted using SSL from end to end, making it virtually impossible for anyone in the middle between sender and receiver to decrypt the contents. You get the convenience and none of the risk. Don't overlook security. Don't overlook FilesDIRECT.


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