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File Transfer Article - We're Famous!

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Okay, so I may be exaggerating, but only a little!

This post is really to toot my own horn (so to speak) but what can I say: I'm excited, and the rest of the team here encouraged me to write a blog post about it, so here we are:

I am now listed as an "Expert Author" on, the Internet's leading article directory.

(Photo credit)

And yes, before you ask, I was almost as excited as a kid at Christmas.

Anyways, the article is titled: "Send Large Files Safely Online" (here's a link) and it gave me the opportunity to discuss some of the knowledge I've gained over the past few months about sending large files, receiving large files, and online storage - specifically focusing on the security issues involved in online file transfer.

It's not an in-depth discussion of different security protocols, or a careful examination of different methods of cryptography (although, come to think of it, those are some petty good ideas for later articles...hmmm...) so much as a brief overview of the security issues to consider when choosing a file transfer service.

Feedback is welcome (just leave a note in the comments) but please - be gentle. :)


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