
Q: Is FilesDIRECT a file sharing service? Send & Receive Large Files - FilesDIRECT File Sharing Utility
A: No, FilesDIRECT is a file transfer service. It enables registered account holders to send and receive files directly to and from anyone over the Internet. No one except the account holder or designated recipients can ever access the data sent via FilesDIRECT.

Q: Is my data secure?
A: The transfer of your data over the Internet is protected with industry standard, 128-bit SSL encryption. This makes using FilesDIRECT significantly more secure than using typical email or FTP solutions.

Your files are temporarily held at the FilesDIRECT until you pick them up. Only you or your selected recipients can ever access the data.

Q: Can I send files using FilesDIRECT? 
A: Yes, any files within your FilesDIRECT account can be sent to any recipient.  Your selected recipients will receive an Email notification notifying them that files are available for them to pick up.  An encrypted code will be sent along with that notification to ensure that only your designated recipients will have access to those files.

Q: How do I send files with FilesDIRECT?
A: There is a 2 step process to send a file.

First you have to upload the file onto the system. In this step, you simply log into the account, go to manage files, and click Upload files.

After that, your file(s) will be available for sending. To do so, you simply check off the file(s) you want to send, and then click "Send selected files" Once you do that, you will be prompted with the email addresses of the recipients.

Q: Is my credit card secure?
A: The transfer of your credit card information uses 128-bit SSL encryption.  Your credit card number is also encrypted prior to saving for billing purposes.

Q: Does the sender of a file sent via FilesDIRECT need to install any programs?
A: No. The sender simply visits the account holder's FilesDIRECT generated web site, select the file to send, and click "Send". FilesDIRECT automatically sends a confirmation to the sender and a notification to the organization.

Q: What does Transfer Limit mean?
A: The transfer limit is the amount of data included for sent and received files through your account. Additional fees will apply based on usage over and above the transfer limit. An account holder can check the status of their account at any time.

For example, if someone sends you a 20MB file, and you download the file once, the total amount of data transferred is 40MB.  If you download the file twice, then the total amount of data transferred is 60MB.  Deleting a file does not increase the amount of data transferred.

Q: What does Storage Limit mean?
A: The storage limit is the maximum amount of data you can have residing on FilesDIRECT at any one time.  The amount of storage space used within the system does not tie into the monthly billing cycle.  Any file will take up storage space until you explicitly delete it from the system.  If the total storage space used exceeds the storage limit for your plan, uploads are not available until either the plan is upgraded to one with more storage limit, or existing files are deleted.

Q: Do the files delete themselves when the plan is renewed?
A: Your files are only deleted when you explicitly delete them or when your plan is cancelled.

Q: When can I change my plan?
A: You can change your plan anytime before the next invoice is generated. Invoices are generated when your current billing period expires. For example, if you see that your transfer limit has been exceeded, you can change your plan to accomodate, as long as you do so prior to the next billing period. You can also change to a lower plan if your transfers are lower for the current billing period.

You have full control to find the best plan for your organization for each billing period.

Q: How long is a billing period?
1 month

Q: When does the billing period end?
Your billing period ends on the same day every month from the time your account is setup. For example, if you setup your account on January 20, then your billing period will end midnight of Febuary 20. Trial plans are 14 days only.

Q: Can I cancel a subscription plan?
A: Yes. You may cancel your subscription at any time. All you need to do is log in with your account, select "Account Info" and select "Cancel Account".  Any outstanding invoices will need to be paid at that time.  If you are on trial, your credit card will not be charged.

Q: What are the system requirements for running the FilesDIRECT application?
A: Any computer with Internet Connection and a web browser (Version 4 or higher)

Q: Do I need to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as my web browser?
A: No. Any Internet browser that is Version 4 or higher will work.

Q: How do I get my clients or associates to upload files?
A: When you signup for an account with FilesDIRECT, you will be assigned your own mini website within FilesDIRECT. You can either create a link from your existing company website to your FilesDIRECT site, or you can give them your FilesDIRECT site URL directly.

Q: When should I start to use FilesDIRECT?
A: Start today with our 14 day free trial

