Compare - Transfer Large Files
- Receive Large Files
It is commonplace now to receive large files over the Internet.
Unfortunately, Email is the primary method to receive large files, but it is
very inefficient and ineffective if the files are relatively large. Printers,
graphics artists, lawyers, video production companies, music production
companies, and many other corporations may benefit by using FilesDIRECT
to receive large files from their customers and associates. FilesDIRECT was
designed with the concept that the account holder may receive large files from
any sender without the sender to have to signup or pay for the transfer of the
files. Once you signup with FilesDIRECT, you will have a customized file upload
page ready to be used by your clients or associates. You simply give the
senders your upload page URL, and you will be able to receive large files
easily over the Internet. With FilesDIRECT, receiving large files has not been
easier. Please set up a 14 day trial and start to receive large files easily
and effectively over the Internet now.